Saturday, December 31, 2011

Caged Birds Sing For Freedom

I think I'll watch Frida, I feel inspired by my lack of inspiration.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

If you don't mind me asking, but how much do you get paid to....

 Next time some one starts their rude money question off with " If you don't mind me asking" respond by saying but I do, and that is tacky for you to ask.

Why don't some people know that it's tacky 2.0 to ask others about their money? People that ask you $ questions off top might be opportunists or just envious people.  


Isn't that  "class" 101?

Unless someone mentions it or you're in a serious relation or marriage, you are NOT to ask how much a person makes, how much their husband/wives makes or how much they made off this deal or that?

Sorry it's just tacky!

 Most wealthy people don't brag about their money anyway.

It always makes me think when someone asks me how much I made on this show or that song, do they care about the show or the song I wrote or sang on or are they only trying to see how much money it made me....

Here's the thing though, money doesn't make me

Money and Manners
                                                                                                Jeremiah 9:23

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hey Daddy,

BECAUSE they see you in me upfront some hate me yet I won't 
 be swayed by their discontent BECAUSE if it's for your name 
sake I'll take their neglect.  
Your Child, Your Friend