Sunday, December 2, 2012



 Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 4:41pm ·

I just am a little over "Wow, we've never seen such a pretty dark skin girl" ......UM How the Hell is that a compliment?!  Is it that you've never seen a pretty dark skin girl or you never cared to notice? I've even heard " You're so pretty to be black" and this came from a Mexican woman named Kenya..the irony I know. I hear this all the time. People ask me if I am mixed, I think, "Well aren't we all?" When I say I am different types of black so I'm mixed with black and more black they look so disappointed. Why?

I am so confident and have no complexes, by choice.  Why do people try to give me their complexes. I believe I was greatly made.  I think even toned skin is beautiful no matter the color, I believe healthy hair is great no matter the texture. So please do not tell me I am better or worse because of my skin color (which changes due to seasons) and please do not tell me I have "good hair" because of its texture. Sure I am a woman so there are things I will fret over sometimes but I love being me all the mixtures and makings of myself. No matter race you are why is it people find the nerve to tell you you're pretty to be that race?

I get the weirdest looks when people find out I am attracted to black men. Why? I am black! I think there are attractive men in all races. I am not less black or ashamed of my race if I dated outside my race but I am ashamed of my race when I do not like my race.  I happen to be mainly attracted to men of color and I am not ashamed to say it. I love their features and I love their dark skin. Yup...SHOCKER! All the rays they come in are beautiful; I even like their high cheekbones and their noses. Ever noticed how most statues, especially in Egypt have broken noses? 
Why are the noses of statues broken off , hieroglyphics painted lighter, history books lying saying certain people were heroes, and some of the greats described as white when there is no way!

Hmm Wonder why?

Why are there people tanning to be dark, getting booty pop jeans, getting thigh, butt and hip injections to look curvier when it's not in their DNA to be so? *Not to say every black woman or woman of color is curvy but most are* Why are people bleaching their skin, getting chin injections, changing their eyelids, and breaking their noses to look like something they are not? If you look like your mother but don't like women that look like your mother what does that say? Why is it ok to have a strong black woman as your mother but not as your wife?

Self Hatred is just not fly no matter how you mask it it's just freaking sad. No matter your race you should be pro you and love yourself flaws and all. If you get plastic surgery that's your business but please don't try to spread your way of thinking on to someone else that thinks they look fine the way they are. Question, if you hate the way you look and God made you what are you saying about him?

Now I know I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist but I feel like there is a spiritual reason that there is hatred against black or dark skinned people and why other races are afraid and dislike what looks close to black or dark skinned in their race. The Bible describes Jesus (in my faith Jesus is the son of God) as being dark, having brass burnt skin, woolly “lambs” hair.  I AM NOT SAYING JESUS WAS BLACK! I'M SAYING HE HAD SIMILAR FEATURES TO THE PEOPLE AT THAT TIME AND HIS TRIBE AND HIS MOTHER. I AM NOT SAYING JESUS WAS BLACK I AM SAYING JESUS WAS BLACK PLEASE DON'T LEAVE COMMENT SAYING I'M SAYING HE IS BLACK. I'M MERELY SAYING GOD MADE MAN IN HIS IMAGE AND ADAM AND CIVILIZATION STARTED IN AFRICA. No matter what color Jesus was when he walked as man I could care less and still worship him willingly..... but let's just look at the facts.

Jesus came from the House of David, and King David was the father of Solomon.  King Solomon had locks and loved his bling. Keep it real Dreadlocks and a lot of bling? Sounds like a black King to me. Ok all jokes a side why was Enoch, David, Solomon, Jesus heck err body (except the one wise man) in the bible drawn white.  Hmm  The tribe of Judah was even described as having dark skin. Lamentations 5:10.

One of the reasons some didn't accept  Jesus when he walked here was because he looked like them. Check it! If Jesus looked like the hippie in all the pictures wouldn't he stand out since NO ONE looked like that in that time period? Now the enemy distracts with the flesh while Jesus came to save the souls. So the enemy wants you to look at the outward appearance and Jesus came to save what really mattered, what was inside. Hmm wasn’t man made in God's image? So if Jesus walked around looking like every other guy during that time it would have made sense that those that were caught up in the flesh would have doubted who he was.

Now if what is the son, one third of God, walked and I look like him why do people think they have the right to tell me I am pretty to be black?  Why is it that what resembles what Jesus looked like considered wrong e.g.: course hair, dark skin etc.  Why are people imitating what I look like but yet I am considered the circus act because I look like myself from birth not from injection? What hates everything to do with the God, the Son and the Holy Spirit? Hmmmm

Stop.. Now think about it...Don't worry I'll wait...